"Huge explosion heard in Greenpoint. Can't see anything but can hear sirens and fire trucks heading to the scene. Don't know what happened."
"Huge explosion heard in Greenpoint. Can't see anything but can hear sirens and fire trucks heading to the scene. Don't know what happened."
“My husband has his own business and he pays $2,000 a month for insurance. We’re hurting but I do have three kids. I don’t know what I’m going to get (if reform passes).”
- Pat Siringo, clerk at Uniquely Yours
“It’s not the cheapest but at least I have insurance. I am concerned about the effect this plan will have on seniors. I don’t want any more change; I’ve had enough change.”
-Lorraine Graziano, owner of S I Quick Print.
“My wife had to get a job at (Staten Island University) Hospital so I could get health care. I went for two years without insurance. But, if you work 20 years to get to a certain point with your business why should you be penalized (with higher taxes). It’s not right, I hope it doesn’t pass.”
-Michael DiGuido, owner of The Animal Pantry.
"He won't vote for it, and it won't pass. Financially it doesn’t make any sense. Staten Island is a conservative place in general. Staten Island can take care of itself.”-Warren Crapo owner Crapo Realty
"Upon reaching the island, I was amazed that the stories of Staten Island being basically just a landfill ... were true."OK, well Nathan, maybe you could have walked over to St. George, ate at some Sri Lankan restaurants, or traverse the grounds of the Snug Harbor Cultural Center. Maybe you'd like to visit a Tibetan Museum, didn't think we had one of those, did you?
"Hopefully those thirty minutes will be the only time in my life I have to visit Staten Island."Great. Don't come back. We don't want you here. This is exactly the kind of close-minded Manhattan-ite elitism we despise.
the ephemeral, transient sounds coming from iamamiwhoami are nothing short of mind-numbing. the airy, surreal vocals and haunting spacious soundscapes leave lots to the imagination and implant nearly-permanent impressions of a unknowable and frankly unreal commodity.One of the artist's most successful feats has been maintaining her anonymity. With so many people ready to exploit and critique any artist who attempts to exist solely under their work, this particular character has the honor of having her art judged on its own merits - instead of the whims of whatever minor flaw the blogoshere can find with her (music or otherwise).