Sunday, March 28, 2010

VOX POP: Staten Island Politics

Hey, so every once in a while we like to get a little opinion from the average joe trolling the internets. We know it's not exactly representative of the entire island, or even a sliver of it, but hell, other, real, publications do it all the time, so let's try it as well.

Today's entry comes from the Facebooks of the world. Mike Grimm is running for Congressman McMahon's seat in November. Apparently he wants to repeal the health care bill. One of his supporters chimes in. It's not earth-shattering, but however here what he says:

Looks as if Grimm's supporters, or at least one of them, have some pretty heavy things to say about the president, wonder what the campaign thinks about th... oh, looks like they took it down.

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