Monday, August 30, 2010

Bill Clinton comes to Staten Island

Bill Clinton and Mike McMahon will be battling each other for which politician has the pastiest white skin.

Srlsy, though, Bill Motherfucking Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, will be on Staten Island this Friday to rally support for Democratic congressional incumbent and Irish gigolo, Mike McMahon.

The event, held Friday afternoon at Wagner College's Spiro Hall, should help raise McMahon's clout among the mindless Island independents (the ones who keep voting for Bloomberg even though he's mad liberal, and keeps stiffin' the Island.)

We wonder if Team Grimm could pull a president out of their ass?

George W. is in hiding, writing his memoirs. America's mayor, Rudy Giuliani, will likely give his ugly wig a spin around Staten Island to rally support for Grimm, but there is only so many benefits that man can reap off 9/11.

Maybe Grimm could see McMahon's Clinton and raise a... Sarah Palin?

Here's how to get in:

Call 718-698-0649 to RSVP
or at

Supporter Rally with President Bill Clinton
Wagner College- Doors Open at 10:30am
Date & Time:
9/3/2010 at 12:30 PM
631 Howard Ave
Staten Island, NY 10301

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